Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why I Joined The School of Webcraft

I recently joined The School of Webcraft in order to further my knowledge of the web. Of course, I know how to get around on the internet. I can even do things online that make my parents think I'm Bill Gates. However, the extent of my internet know-how is limited to surfing my favorite websites.
I found myself wondering, how do websites work? How are different pages made? What is HTML?
Wanting to learn more about this fascinating phenomenon, I did what anyone else would do- I Googled it. I browsed a few different sites before I realized that the best way to grasp theses ideas would be to actually learn how to do these things myself. That lead to another google search, which directed me to Mozilla Drumbeat, and subsequently to The School of Webcraft and Webmaking 101.
So here I am, with my own blog, telling the story of my journey. I hope this is the first of many posts, and many websites. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, and for all of your support. Please leave comments, suggestions, questions, ideas. Or you could just say hi. Check back again soon for more.

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